Mind, body and spirit holistic health and wellness in Pittsburgh with energy healer David G Speer. Reflexology, Reiki, Energy Medicine, Vibrational Frequency Healing, Quartz Crystal, Alternative Medicine & Healing Arts, Psychic Healing
We are a serious dating service in a time of spiritual transition. We are committed to helping you attract a partner of a similar vibrational frequency.
Everything has a unique energetic signature, also referred to as a vibration or frequency. Chakredy vibrational remedies help balance all layers of the sys
Manifesting Cash is easy with Living Harmony's Magnetic Manifesting Meditation: Abundant Cash. Learn the Real Secret to Raise and Align Your Vibrational Frequency harmonizing income to you using Universal Laws including Law of Attraction and Emotio
In-Light-Ment is a spiritual technology tool that combines the power of Sacred Geometry and meditation to instantly raise and change your vibrational frequency at the quantum level. Experience In-Light-Ment, transform your reality and live IN LINE with yo
Original piano music by Carla Reed, with vibrational frequency products for mind and health, inspirational piano, easy listening piano, relaxing piano, piano for meditation and prayer, customized piano music, soaking music, piano music for pets, healing
Indigo Reiki(tm) Energy Healing is a calming, tranquil energy that integrates the energy of Usui Reiki and the vibrational frequency of the color Indigo.