The Dodford Flock of Kerry Hill Sheep is based near Darwen, Lancashire. A small flock, it was founded in 1984, and has seen numerous sucesses in the show-ring. Stock is usually available for sale.
Sheep Tracker is a desktop database application designed for keeping health, management, and breeding records for sheep. The Future of Flock Management
The Dodford Flock of Kerry Hill Sheep is based near Darwen, Lancashire. A small flock, it was founded in 1984, and has seen numerous sucesses in the show-ring. Stock is usually available for sale.
Cergin Livestock Company: Purebred Suffolk sheep and purebred Rideau Arcotts sheep. We also sell Deccox, Merrick's Super Lamb Instant Milk Replacer, Special Feed Pellet and Trace Mineral Salt products. Sheep flock genotyped and herd sires Codon 171 RR.
Natural, grass based ranching and raising sheep with low inputs. Covering aspects of sheep farming, management, health, lambing, using working dogs and flock guardian dogs plus pasture management
Welcome to our site which is all about our small flock of Jacob sheep. On this site you will find information about our current sheep, the history of the flock and lots of pictures. There's also a blog with updates about how the Jacobs are doing. WHO