Presenting information, REALITY Snippets, GET REAL! Conversations and polls expressing the conflict and events happening between Palestinians and Israelis. Our purpose is to promote security and justice for all peoples. This website reflects the realitie
The Coalition is a collection of a variety of informal and formal organizations in Canada which have the common goal of working together to promote justice for Palestinians. The primary strategy of the coalition is to support the member groups in their ef
The American left - Jewish and non-Jewish - could use a third narrative, one that neither reflexively attacks nor reflexively justifies Israeli policies and actions.
UNGA 181 State of Palestine: PINC_G David's Arm Rocket Defense Systems: صواريخ القسام, Fatah, Hamas sign unity accord, jews for justice for palestinians, Israeli troops kill Palestinian during West Bank clash
Jewish American Mark Braverman writes about the need for Justice for the Palestinians as the only path to peace. History of Zionism and a call to Christians.