Country and rural life. Photos, Articles, Humor, Livestock, Gardening, Farming, Recipes, more. Free e-mail, Discussion Forum, Coloring Book, Classified Ads are just some of the features available.
Exploring pioneer, country and southern cooking recipes and homestead living through old fashioned country recipes, pioneer cooking methods, and learning basic country skills.
Country Living on a small farm in the Foothills of the Sierra Nevadas, producing and harvesting our own food, raising livestock, description and photos of our gardens and livestock, family recipes, stationery
Country living skills and rural life, Photos, Articles, Humor, Farming, Recipes, A List of Books that should be in every country home library, Homesteading and Country Living Skills, Livestock, Gardening, Self sufficient living for homesteading, urban hom
Real Country Life features news and events in the Laurel Highlands of Southwestern Pennsylvania and showcases Appalachian history, folklore, recipes, homesteading and country living.
Born and Raised New England Girl Living Simple in the Midwest. Find whole-food, homemade goodness including meat-lover, vegetarian and vegan recipes, great DIY projects, funny stories and more. You don't have to live in a remote area to "hunker down
I’m a full-time city girl who yearns to be a weekend country girl. I live in a big city while owning property in the middle of nowhere. This blog chronicles my life, both the mundane and the not-so-mundane, trials and tribulations, celebrations, adventure