Cuban educational, civic and patriotic center founded in 1871 by the exile community of Key West. It was here that Jose Marti united the Cuban exiles in 1892, under the Cuban Revolutionary Party, to wage war against Spain.
Sitio Web dedicado a ex-integrantes del Instituto Preuniversitario de La Habana Jose Marti; Web space dedicated to ex-members of Instituto Preuniversitario de
Sitio Web dedicado a ex-integrantes del Instituto Preuniversitario de La Habana Jose Marti; Web space dedicated to ex-members of Instituto Preuniversitario de
Honor al merito de nuestra Alumna - Promoción 2016, De un total de 155 postulantes por la modalidad exonerados en el proceso de admisión 2017-I, rindieron su examen a la Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo (Unasam), registrándose el 100% de as
BY RAUL RODRIGUEZ LA O | Special for Granma International DURING the whole of his life Maximo Gomez Baez was one of the most important and faithful fighters for the independence of Cuba and subsequently against its invasion and occupation by the United St
Estudio de taxidermia situado en Quart de Poblet, Valencia, desde 1968. Dedicado a la nuaturalización de animales tanto enteros como de pecho, naturalización de