Arashi, Hey! Say! JUMP, NEWS, Smap, KAT-TUN, Kanjani 8 and more. Find out the latest information on all your favorite Johnnys Groups, Videos, Bios, Concerts and New Releases!
Arashi, Hey! Say! JUMP, NEWS, Smap, KAT-TUN, Kanjani 8 and more. Find out the latest information on all your favorite Johnnys Groups, Videos, Bios, Concerts and New Releases!
Frösche, Quak oder Quark? SMAP News links und Verweise von Froschfiguren, SMS Protokoll bis hin zum Japan-Pop, Japanspielzeug, Frösche, Aufklebersammlung und Sprüche.
This is a Site about Anime, Manga, Japan and the Music. We have a Seiyuu page with a list from (almost) all of the synchron speaker. You can find a german fansite about the Johnnys Entertainment & JR with many informationen about they.
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