Jesus of Nazareth is the central figure of the Christian religion, a savior believed to be both God incarnate and a human being. He is also known as Jesus Christ, the term "Christ" meaning anointed or chosen one.
The Words of Jesus offers a new and concise reading of the essential message and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth in many translations. This site also features a wide variety of Christian orientated reading.
The Gospel of Jesus of Nazareth [Peter Gillies] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. With a careful regard for the wording and nuances of the original Gospels, and with firm support from the very scriptures that lie at the heart of Judaism
The Gospel of Jesus of Nazareth [Peter Gillies] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. With a careful regard for the wording and nuances of the original Gospels, and with firm support from the very scriptures that lie at the heart of Judaism - Educational reference on historical Jesus of Nazareth including Jesus Christ life biography, and his own words, teachings and parables - Educational reference on historical Jesus of Nazareth including Jesus Christ life biography, and his own words, teachings and parables
"Why do you squint at the splinter in your brother's eye, and fail to see the log in your own eye?" - Jesus of Nazareth (Matthew 7:3) (by Keith Brenton)
This site is dedicated to using a balanced approach to probing the proposition that the Talpiot Tomb is the family tomb of Jesus of Nazareth. The goal is to educated the general public as to what is known and being debated regarding this proposition.
Dedicated to the proposition, that the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth continue to light the path of peace and personal meaning in the 21st century. (by The Professor)
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