Synagogue & School for Special needs children. Serves religious & educational needs of community regardless of affiliation. adult education Mezuzot Tefillin Bar Bat Mitzvah
Synagogue & School for Special needs children. Serves religious & educational needs of community regardless of affiliation. adult education Mezuzot Tefillin Bar Bat Mitzvah
Jews for Jesus has staff and resources to share the message of Jesus (Yeshua), the Jewish messiah for all people. Discover "why Jesus" for yourself.
A central hub for information on Jews serving in the U.S. military so that the Jewish community can support these Jewish military personnel by providing religious, cultural and civilian community support for them.
Jerusalem is a holy city for Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Often under the name of Zion, it figures prominently in Jewish and Christian literature as a symbol of the capital of the Messiah.
ClevelandSeniors.Com, The online place for the young-at-heart people of Northeast Ohio. Learn more about Jews in Cleveland and the culture of the Jewish people. Information for and about Cleveland Jews and others.
New, highly acclaimed book on Jewish culture, history, achievement. The Golden Age details over 200 years of Jews in the areas of Politics, Entertainment, Science, Nobel and Pulitzer Prizes, Art and more.
New, highly acclaimed book on Jewish culture, history, achievement. The Golden Age details over 200 years of Jews in the areas of Politics, Entertainment, Science, Nobel and Pulitzer Prizes, Art and more.
Steel City Jews, A History of Pittsburgh and its Jewish Community 1840- 1915, A Jewish Legacy: Pittsburgh- a film which sweeps the history of the Pittsburgh Jewish community from its founding to the present Book and film by Barbara Burstin.
New, highly acclaimed book on Jewish culture, history, achievement. The Golden Age details over 200 years of Jews in the areas of Politics, Entertainment, Science, Nobel and Pulitzer Prizes, Art and more.
Jon Entine, author of Abrahams Children: Race, Identity and the DNA of The
Chosen People and Taboo on Jews, Jewish Genetics, Genealogy, Religion, Ancestry
Educating Jews about evangelical Christian missionaries and the lies and deceit they use to convert Jews to Christianity. Also view my facebook page at:
Black Jewish Singles will connect you with Black Jews who are looking for their love match! So don't be shy and become a member now, and start meeting hot singles!, Black Jewish Singles
Jews for Jesus has staff and resources to share the message of Jesus (Yeshua), the Jewish messiah for all people. Discover "why Jesus" for yourself.
It could be said that in Poland today there are more Jewish figurines than Jews. This website presents the exhibition Souvenir, Talisman Toy, which took place in the Seweryn Udziela Ethnographic Museum in Krakow, Poland in June–July 2013.
Designed for North American Jews and Jewish Groups, the Jewish Cuba Travel Experience by Authentic Cuba Travel includes visits to Cuba’s main Synagogues and Jewish Organizations.