A Chevrolet Corvette Evangelistic ministry proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ through His Grace and ones faith in His shed blood on the cross. We need to run the race of life succesfully with our corvettes. Corvettes For Christ is based on the bible
A Chevrolet Corvette Evangelistic ministry proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ through His Grace and ones faith in His shed blood on the cross. We need to run the race of life succesfully with our corvettes. Corvettes For Christ is based on the bible
A Chevrolet Corvette Evangelistic ministry proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ through His Grace and ones faith in His shed blood on the cross. We need to run the race of life succesfully with our corvettes. Corvettes For Christ is based on the bible
Welcome to the Walk for Life/Race for Life in Columbia, SC, homepage. Join us on Oct. 18 to raise funds for Palmetto Health Breast Center. One morning, one mission--beating breast cancer in the Midlands.
Race Track Trauma Life Support (RTTLS) - ein Konzept zur strukturierten und prioritäten-orientierten Versorgung von schwerverletzten Patienten bei Rennsportveranstaltungen. Um dieses Vorgehen zu verbreiten, werden mit Unterstützung des DMSB Kurse angebote