Valerio Vigliar - Composer, musician and singer - Official website: albums, soundtracks, incidental music, discography. Exclusive contents, concerts and news. Listen, download, share and buy.
Valerio Scanu (born 10-04-1990, La Maddalena - Sardinia, Italy) an Italian singer...In 2008 Valerio took part in the 8th ed of "Amici"...Winner of Sanremo 2010
Home of Dave Valerio Music - Big Time Entertainment. Contact me for all your musical and entertainment needs...weddings, parties for all ages, instruction and lessons, bands, dj services, recording services
Official site of Italian film music composer and orchestrator Marco Valerio Antonini. Includes news, biography and music samples from composer's works.
Valerio Novara Vanta una esperienza musicale ormai ventennale in progettazione, distribuzione, logistica, contrattualistica, marketing e accounting. Organizzatore-programmatore di spettacoli per Festival e responsabile relazioni esterne di Societ
Valerio Vigliar - Composer, musician and singer - Official website: albums, soundtracks, incidental music, discography. Exclusive contents, concerts and news. Listen, download, share and buy.
rabdolovers Band italiana di musica indie rock elettronica strumentale. La nostra filosofia è quella di approcciare ogni genere musicale partendo dalla nostra passione per le emozioni. Cerchiamo di tradurre tutto questo in testi e musica utilizzando
Valério Big Band Bio/ premier Album: Au Grand Complet...
Plus besoin de présenter le Big Band de Valerio, en tout cas pour ceux qui ont eu la chance de croiser ces forcenés du reggae live sur la route, où ils tournent régulièrement pour proposer leur
Valerio Scanu (born 10-04-1990, La Maddalena - Sardinia, Italy) an Italian singer...In 2008 Valerio took part in the 8th ed of "Amici"...Winner of Sanremo 2010