Retain the humble childlike curiosity of this beautiful wondrous world around you. Remain open to new ideas, challenges, and change. Keep learning and growing. Embrace your ever-evolving future rather then resting on successes of the past. Care for one
It's inevitable that we all fail. The difference is in those of us who choose to pick ourselves back up. Time and time again. This is the blog of one girl's journey through time to embrace the change and challenges associated with weight loss. (
“If you’re reading these words, perhaps it’s because something has kicked open the door for you, and you’re ready to embrace change. It isn’t enough to appreciate change from afar, or only in the abstract, or as something that can happen to other people b
Technology Serving Design. It’s about change. Whether it transforms the way one thinks about design or the way one designs, the matter at hand is not only how to incorporate but embrace those changes within the process. This event will inspire the shifts