Jatropha Plant, Biodiesel - Aumkiipure.com provides you info about biomass, jatropha curcas and its uses, further you will get details about jatropha renewable energy jatropha sustainable and pure energy.
Green Acres grows Jatopha Curcas, Macauba, and Castor trees that are high yielding Agrofuel crops making Green Diesel, Biofuel and Jet-A. Proper Oil extraction ,pruning, de-husking, harvesting increases production of these Clean Fuel Solutions.
Jatrophabook - towards Jatropha sustainability is a web community open to all Jatropha seeds and oil suppliers, oil extraction plants, biodiesel and energy plants, end-users and research centers. Jatrophabook aims to create an open and transparent platfor
Jatrophabook - towards Jatropha sustainability is a web community open to all Jatropha seeds and oil suppliers, oil extraction plants, biodiesel and energy plants, end-users and research centers. Jatrophabook aims to create an open and transparent platfor
Fueling America today & tomorrow! Bionas Ghaba USA employs Nano-Emulsion and Polarization technologies in the production of Bio-fuels from Non-Edible Jatropha curcas in fueling America (Biopetrol, Biodiesel, Biojetfuel, and BEES) while keeping our environ
Fueling America today & tomorrow! Bionas Ghaba USA employs Nano-Emulsion and Polarization technologies in the production of Bio-fuels from Non-Edible Jatropha curcas in fueling America (Biopetrol, Biodiesel, Biojetfuel, and BEES) while keeping our environ
Progettazione e realizzazione impianti e macchine per la produzione di oli vegetali combustibili e loro derivati ad uso chimico, farmaceutico ed energetico.
La G3 Oil Consortium è un gruppo d’acquisto, formato da un insieme di persone o aziende che decidono di associarsi per acquistare all’ingrosso prodotti, da ridistribuire tra loro.
Jatropha Oil can be processed biodiesel and the production of electricity using biodiesel as a fuel. Get the latest updates and news about Jatropha Oil, green fuels and biodiesel.
Home of researchers on phytofuels and allied products, eco-safe energy and global food security. publisher of the international journal of phytofuels and allied sciences.