書道家”Mayu”のホームページです。アバンギャルドな書作品の数々をご覧下さい。This is the homepage of japanese calligrapher Mayu. She is passionate about her calligraphy and is constantly coming up with new designs to add to her collection.
Miho Hagino, a professional calligrapher, creates custom Japanese calligraphy for purchase as gifts or tattoos, transliterating english to Japanese/Chinese characters.
加藤シオー アート ギャラリー と 加藤むつこ 童話集, Gallery Shioh (galleryshioh) - collection of artist Shioh Kato's modern calligraphic Japanese arts and the collection of children's story writer Mutsuko Kato's fairy tale books.
Roxane Meilin Chock-Simon is half-Hawaiian and half-Chinese, and her work is a reflection of this east/west blend. Marriage took Roxane to Tokyo, Japan, where she lived from January 1986 until July 2002. She cites her three greatest accomplishments in Jap
書道家”Mayu”のホームページです。アバンギャルドな書作品の数々をご覧下さい。This is the homepage of japanese calligrapher Mayu. She is passionate about her calligraphy and is constantly coming up with new designs to add to her collection.