This is the home page of Get, A site dedicated to encouraging participation in the election process in the hope more people will get out to vote and thereby make a difference in the results we see from Washington. Only through active partici
ABC of Salvation is a Web Site devoted to teaching the basic principles of the Bibical Truth. It's purpose is to preach the Word regarding Jesus and his offer of salvation.
Political Site to aid in the election of Bruce Rogers to the office of Michigan State Representative-34th district to eliminate wasteful government spending
This site provides a link to the Hispanic Republican Club of Pinellas County for registered Republicans who are looking for an organization where they can be part of and help with the election process.
Site to showcase Jean Claude Cenatus' progressive attitude toward change for the township of West Orange, New Jersey and it's inhabitants... The New Perspective.
Welcome to this site for the Massachusetts Organization of State Engineers and Scientists (MOSES). The goal of this site is for the re-election of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Organization. Listed are the Accomplishments
The official Republican site of the 13th Congressional District (NCGOP13) dedicated to supporting Rep. George Holding and all GOP candidates across nine counties in North Carolina, providing voter guides, voter information, and other news in support
This site is dedicated to offering an opposing view to the re-election of Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Those that share this view may purchase signs that will be delivered and installed with permission on your property.
Political Opinion site dealing with the fraud corruption and crimes of the government including, White house, Congress, Media, Justice, Supreme Court and Big business