Jake Garda is an accomplished sketch artist who specializes in depicting the undressed human form in its entirety, as well as head and shoulder portraits. His figures seldom fail to make a powerful statement due to their large scale and expressive style,
Art work and Illustrations, of artist and illustrator Jake Biggin. Paintings, sketch book, comissioned art work and illustrations. Links to artists sites, galleries, artwork and illustration work. bio of artist Jake Biggin, exhibition news etc.
Jake Cordero is an innovative, cutting-edge artist who strives to create pieces with a unique approach to an old-age art form, providing a deep-rooted, meaningful story behind each one.
Fun whimsical art by popular Northwest artist Jake Hose, whimsical original art, whimsical greeting cards, whimsical art prints, series include: The Seattle Cats, Princesses of the World, Whimsical Spiritual Art, Northwest Whimsical Art, Medieval and Rom
From the burning embers of Jake's imagination, he has brought this piece to life through swirling tones of charcoal and graphite. Buy Limited Edition Prints