Helping women free their mind, fuel their body and feed their soul. Holistic Health + Wellness coaching for balance, true happiness and perfect health.
Mindfulness, Soul Work, & Holistic Guidance. Integrate Mind, Body, Spirit, Soul, & Heart for optimal well-being. Join in on a Holistic Retreat Adventure.
Urban Soul Alchemy offers classes and workshops in Dance, Dance Therapy, Medicine Dance, Yoga, Yoga Therapy, and Pilates. We also offer Intuitive Readings, Sound Healing, Shamanism and Shamanic Coaching in Canmore, Alberta, Canada.
Events, life coaching & shamanic counseling to facilitate soul healing and connect with cosmic consciousness based on the New Human Archetype. Contact Amy
Overige - Reflection of the Soul,Meditatie,Tarot, Coaching, Life Coaching,Workshops,Energetische massage, Merkhaba,Reading,Healing,energetische reinigen van huizen,energiewerk,Zelfreflectie, Reflectie