The Boston Israel Cleantech Alliance promotes connections between cleantech investors, entrepreneurs, companies, and academic researchers in Israel and New England.
Israel Folkdance Festival Boston - Sunday, March 15, 2015 - General Information - The Boston Festival is the official Israel Folkdance Festival of Boston, held every March at Kresge Auditorium at MIT in Cambridge.
Temple Israel's mission is to foster a meaningful, transformative Jewish experience that attracts and retains a diverse congregation from the Boston metropolitan area by deepening relationships and by sustaining sacred community.
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Eim Chai of Boston and JWRP offer an environment for Boston area women to meet and share their values through Eim Chai organized events. Our centerpiece event is a highly subsidized trip to Israel for Jewish women so they can rediscover their Jewish roots
Eim Chai of Boston and JWRP offer an environment for Boston area women to meet and share their values through Eim Chai organized events. Our centerpiece event is a highly subsidized trip to Israel for Jewish women so they can rediscover their Jewish roots
Eim Chai of Boston and JWRP offer an environment for Boston area women to meet and share their values through Eim Chai organized events. Our centerpiece event is a highly subsidized trip to Israel for Jewish women so they can rediscover their Jewish roots
The Israel Campus Roundtable facilitates connections amongst students at Boston-area universities who have an interest in Israel, providing them with support from local organizations and the Jewish / Israeli community.
Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Needham offers the same care in your community for cancer, cardiovascular, diabetes, and spine as our Boston affiliate, BIDMC.
One of the leading hospitals south of Boston and Cape Cod, BID-Plymouth is part of the Harvard Medical School-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.
One of the leading hospitals south of Boston and Cape Cod, BID-Plymouth is part of the Harvard Medical School-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.
One of the leading hospitals south of Boston and Cape Cod, BID-Plymouth is part of the Harvard Medical School-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.