Thank you for choosing the Golden Triangle Irish Setter Club to help you raise a healthy and well-trained Irish Setter! Click on the buttons to the left to explore the world of Irish Setters in western PA.
Informationen über English Setter, Gordon Setter, Irish Red and White Setter und Irish Red Setter. Welpen, Termine, Präsentation von über 200 Club-Settern…
Founded in 1997, the Irish Red and White Setter Association of America is the national club for the Irish Red and White Setter in the United States of America. Find information about Nationals, rescues and the breed on our website.
Founded in 1997, the Irish Red and White Setter Association of America is the national club for the Irish Red and White Setter in the United States of America. Find information about Nationals, rescues and the breed on our website.
Hart To Hart Kennels has over 18 years of
experience breeding Irish Setters. Our dogs are usually bred as show dogs, but some families just love these
beautiful dogs as pets. Geary and Danice Hart have great pride and love for these dogs.