Health Secrets specializes in Holistic Health and Wellness, Integrative Bio-energy and Body work, a unique program called Transformational Skin Therapy, based upon a whole body approach to healing. Based on 20 years of experience, incorporating techniques
healing, somatic, past life integration and chakra healing, Elizabeth
Burke MA. Deep chakra, meditation and intuition trainings, hawaiian
shamanism workshops, and Transforming Embodiment trainings. Past life,
medical intuitive and psychi
Brittany Drozd, LCSW, psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker helps success-oriented individuals become the best versions of themselves. She helps
healing, somatic, past life integration and chakra healing, Elizabeth
Burke MA. Deep chakra, meditation and intuition trainings, hawaiian
shamanism workshops, and Transforming Embodiment trainings. Past life,
medical intuitive and psychi
Get Well & Stay Well: Optimal Health through Transformational Medicine is your personal guide to a remarkable and very effective new approach to health care. Written by Steve Amoils, M.D., and Sandi Amoils, M.D., the book is grounded in modern scientific