Grameen Foundation helps the world’s poorest people reach their full potential, connecting their determination and skills with the resources they need.
Bright Hope World is a Christian based humanitarian organisation with a vision of seeing the poorest of the poor become spiritually and physically self-sustaining.
Bright Hope World is a Christian based humanitarian organisation with a vision of seeing the poorest of the poor become spiritually and physically self-sustaining.
Charitable foundation honoring the memory of Wendy Ruth Faulkner, murdered by terrorists in the WTC on September 11, 2001 by continuing her personal mission of caring for poor children around the world.
Pope Francis issued an appeal for the protection of the weak, the poor and the world environment Tuesday at a special Mass marking his inauguration as the new leader of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics.
During the homily, he told a crowd of up
Assisting doctors and medical staff in the Developing World to enable them to give their patients the best possible medical care. We believe that every Man, Woman and Child has the right to good health care.
Through volunteer surgical program, clean water and sanitation, home building, food security and nutrition, disease prevention, education and treatment programs, Esperança have helped millions of people in 14 countries.
Fund a loan to an entrepreneur for as little as $25. World Vision Micro connects you with hard working entrepreneurs so you can fund a loan and track their progress. Invest in the potential of people.
Feliz navidad,omnegospel, Contact omnegospel and Apoya un ni?o en el 3dr mundo. Support a child on the third world. Matthew 25:36, desnudo, y me cubristeis; enfermo, y me visitasteis.= Naked, and you clothed me: I was sick, and you visited me: Everything