13CFLUX is a universal software toolkit to quantify in-vivo metabolic activities in living cells comprising facilities for simulation, flux estimation statistical analysis and experimental design of 13C-labeling experiments.
Let’s introduce you to a new type of beings that we have called Living Sculptures. These beings we have created, live and move by environmental changes. Moving on its own power alone, without human intervention or any motor or mechanism built into them.
This is a Web site for people who want to learn Latin and Greek. We teach all levels of Latin and Latin literature, from beginning to advanced. And we do that in Latin and Greek.
13CFLUX is a universal software toolkit to quantify in-vivo metabolic activities in living cells comprising facilities for simulation, flux estimation statistical analysis and experimental design of 13C-labeling experiments.
Let’s introduce you to a new type of beings that we have called Living Sculptures. These beings we have created, live and move by environmental changes. Moving on its own power alone, without human intervention or any motor or mechanism built into them.