Ignatian Solidarity Network (ISN) is a national social justice education and advocacy organization inspired by the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola. ISN works primarily with Jesuit universities, high schools, and parishes as well as other Catholic a
Ignatian Solidarity Network (ISN) is a national social justice education and advocacy organization inspired by the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola. ISN works primarily with Jesuit universities, high schools, and parishes as well as other Catholic a
Ignatian Solidarity Network (ISN) is a national social justice education and advocacy organization inspired by the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola. ISN works primarily with Jesuit universities, high schools, and parishes as well as other Catholic a
The Ignatian Spirituality Program of Denver offers group retreats, individual spiritual direction, and the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life in the tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola. All who seek to deepen their relationship with God are welcome. Ign
The Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC) provides men & women, age 50 or better, opportunities to serve others and reflect on that service in the Jesuit tradition
Seeking God, the True, the Beautiful and the Good, has marked my whole life. When I was young the awe came in the art and architecture dedicated to the glory of God, though it took many years to associate the Person of God with all that Beauty. The Christ