ICSW : Bhartiya Samaj Kalyan Parishad Jaipur (Raj.) India is working in the field of social welfare and development for needy people ie. job oriented courses for adult handicapped, disabled or physically challenged and old-age home.
Lesser Slave Lake Indian Regional Council LSLIRC was born out of the desire to improve economic and social conditions of the First Nation people in the Lesser Slave Lake area.
The common compliance code project will prepare the Indian garment and apparel industry on a common platform. AEPC-Disha is an initiative sponsored by Ministry of Textile, Government of India.
Subhash Bhalla, Editor of UP India News.com and president of Lucknow Award Council is a very social, active and creative personality of Lucknow. He started his career as a Journalist in 1982 from Dainik Pratidin.
Guided by Christ’s example, the Saint Paul Area Council of Churches builds a more just and compassionate society. We connect congregations, faith communities and civic organizations to overcome poverty, promote peace and dismantle racism and other barrier
Indian Nursing Council, Standards of Training for Nurses, Standards of Training for Midwives, Standards of Training for Health Visitors,
INC Act 1947,
article for nursing
bachelor of science nursing
college nursing
college of nursing
colleges in nur
Indian Institute of Spices Research, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India