Thoughts on Life, Culture, Ideas and Opinions - Promoting Change: An Expat's Views on Taiwan and Beyond. Blogging about life and culture in Taiwan and abroad...
Lost in Antiquity My thoughts and ideas, opinions related to antiques, designs, styes, types, furniture, decorative arts, crafts, oil paintings, sterling silver jewelry.
Thoughts, ideas, resources, tools (The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent IBM's positions, strategies or opinions. The comments may not represent my opinions, and certainly do not represent IBM in any way.) (by Cosm
This is just a place for me to share thoughts, ideas, life experiences and of course opinions. My goal is to be embrace positivity and promote happiness!
A music blog to share my thoughts, opinions, ideas and reports on the wide variety of live music events I attend around the world along with anything else music related….and dogs. Because dogs rock.