Hizmet News aggregates from various sources news on Hizmet Movement (also known as the Gulen Movement) and its inspirer scholar and intellectual Mr. Fethullah Gulen, and it has been edited by the Peace Islands Institute. The mission of the site is to offe
Established in October 2007, the Gülen Institute is a non-profit research organization dedicated to the promotion of peace and civic welfare. The Gülen Institute maintains an international focus that is unique in Houston
Established in October 2007, the Gülen Institute is a non-profit research organization dedicated to the promotion of peace and civic welfare. The Gülen Institute maintains an international focus that is unique in Houston
Established in October 2007, the Gülen Institute is a non-profit research organization dedicated to the promotion of peace and civic welfare. The Gülen Institute maintains an international focus that is unique in Houston
Established in October 2007, the Gülen Institute is a non-profit research organization dedicated to the promotion of peace and civic welfare. The Gülen Institute maintains an international focus that is unique in Houston