bod·y: n. The entire structure of an organism; an animal, plant, or human being (most likely yours) bliss: adj. A state of extreme happiness or ecstasy rit·u·al: n. A religious or spiritual ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to
Samadhi is the “Pure and Absolute; Silence of the Mind”. It is the state of consciousness beyond all concepts and reality where one abides in the awareness of supreme knowledge.
Divine Prosper is a healing self-transformation online course. Learn from Kim's 20 years of experience on how to realign your heart and mind to prosper in a spiritual state of being.
The Visionary State: A Journey through Californiaís Spiritual
Landscape, which explores the sacred architecture, religious history,
and mystical landscape of the Golden State, is a new book by Erik
Davis with photographs by Michael Rauner.
Becor the Standard for clean, is a commercial janitorial service in San Francisco Bay Area. With over 15 years of experience, Team Becor can offer cleaning strategies that will improve a business work place. Call us for a free evaluation today.
The Dagaz Institute is a holistic health and wellness solution. At the institute we focus on spiritual well being and personal development through directed meditation techniques focused on the alpha state of mind.