I'm a Texas-native who has the spent the past decade living in New York, finding what interests me and what can be useful to the world. I've spent some time translating, designing and tinkering, but what really calls to me is development and the process o
Want to change the world? Then join us in doing that with a band of technical thugs and renegades who want to use our home hobby tinkering into new technologies that change the world in an open way where NO ONE owns the IP rights to what we all produce. F
I'm a Texas-native who has the spent the past decade living in New York, finding what interests me and what can be useful to the world. I've spent some time translating, designing and tinkering, but what really calls to me is development and the process o
I'm a Texas-native who has the spent the past decade living in New York, finding what interests me and what can be useful to the world. I've spent some time translating, designing and tinkering, but what really calls to me is development and the process o
Kevin Wolski is a web developer based in greater Boston. During daylight hours, he works for one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing technology companies. At night he spends his time tinkering with code and keeping up with the latest news in the we
Institute for Applied Tinkering is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the mission of exploring, developing, and promoting new methods for helping children learn using real tools to solve real problems in the real world. Our two major programs are
This year’s CHRISTMAS LECTURES are all about inspiring ingenuity. Get tinkering with the world around you, and show us what you come up with. Submit your hack now.
I'm a Texas-native who has the spent the past decade living in New York, finding what interests me and what can be useful to the world. I've spent some time translating, designing and tinkering, but what really calls to me is development and the process o
Institute for Applied Tinkering is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the mission of exploring, developing, and promoting new methods for helping children learn using real tools to solve real problems in the real world. Our two major programs are
When you work with your supply chain, you are tinkering with the practical realities of the way your business operates. So if you are entrusting your supply chain to the care of consultants, you want to be sure that they know what they are doing.
When you work with your supply chain, you are tinkering with the practical realities of the way your business operates. So if you are entrusting your supply chain to the care of consultants, you want to be sure that they know what they are doing.
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