A global game publishing company which published over 70 countries and cover 16 languages, included browser-based games, mobile games, PC client-based games and console games in different markets.
The mouthpiece of the gaming generation, The Escapist aims to capture and celebrate the contemporary video gaming lifestyle and the diverse global video game culture by way of in-depth features, thought provoking articles and relevant columns authored by
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AMZGame is a global game publisher that delivers microtransaction-based, free-to-play browser games around the world. AMZGame now has several popular games such as League of Angels, Tiny Mighty and Lords Road. AMZGame is also a platform to gather players
We are the preferred marketing partner for growing mobile and online games. We deliver high quality players and connect with premium sources of traffic and media, fuelling global growth for game developers and publishers.
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At Game Education Summit a global game education resource and guide you'll find helpful information including our views of the gaming industry along with links and resources off-site.
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Bingo YOU! - Balloon Game - Play with your parents and other adults, each time a child WINS, planet WINS against global warming!... Second round is played on web site if the child wins... BingoYOU.COM(E!!!). It makes everyone walk and ride a bicycle more
Global Game Jam Grimsby! This will mark the start of a weekend of creativity and collaboration as a community of game designers, creatives, programmers, level designers, 3D modellers, 2D pixel painters, artists, enthusiasts.
A skill game based on the life of a one minute fly. Created for Global Game Jam 2011 (www.globalgamejam.org). Final release! (48h Alpha also available)