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You find the funniest pictures on the internet at Funlexia. The site is updated every hour with new great stuff! Here you have Funny Pictures, MEME, LOL, Jokes
Mister BS.COMedy is the funniest site for the best laughs, jokes, cartoons, pictures, stand up comedians, funny quotes, and humor from around the world
Mister BS.COMedy is the funniest site for the best laughs, jokes, cartoons, pictures, stand up comedians, funny quotes, and humor from around the world
FunnyAnd have a huge collection of latest funny pictures, jokes, funny comics, memes, funny quotes, images, and photos at our funniest site on the net!
Free Funniest Jokes and Joke of the Day - a free jokes site that provides funny jokes updated daily to make you relax, smile and laugh. Original jokes are daily updated and written by the Bryan K. Law - the King of Jokes
Amiwrong showcases the funniest moments from the opinion sharing site amirite. It features user submitted jokes, fails and awesomeness. If you see something funny or stupid on amirite, or anything somewhat related to amirite you can submit it.
Mister BS.COMedy is the funniest site for the best laughs, jokes, cartoons, pictures, stand up comedians, funny quotes, and humor from around the world
Mister BS.COMedy is the funniest site for the best laughs, jokes, cartoons, pictures, stand up comedians, funny quotes, and humor from around the world
This site is jam-packed with the funniest Newfie jokes on the Internet. Whether you are a Newfie, not one or want to be a one, you're sure to laugh at some of these.
Funniest Jokes is the site that provides hilarious jokes and funny images. Here you will find the funniest yo mama jokes, blonde jokes and dirty jokes.