Browse our online catalog and buy authentic Velata fondue products and kitchen systems online. Velata fondue warmers are so simple and easy to use and our fondue food line taste fabulous! Love fondue like never before!
Velata fondue is a fun, family-friendly way to experience chocolate fondue. With Velata, there is no flame, no stirring, no scorching and no messy clean-up! This Velata blog offers Velata tips & ideas, Velata recipes and more! Join Velata
Bring your family together with Velata kitchen products. Serve up memories with our gourmet raclette grill, chocolate and cheese fondue pots, and colorful dishes.
Browse our online catalog and buy authentic Velata fondue products and kitchen systems online. Velata fondue warmers are so simple and easy to use and our fondue food line taste fabulous! Love fondue like never before!
Velata fondue is a fun, family-friendly way to experience chocolate fondue. With Velata, there is no flame, no stirring, no scorching and no messy clean-up! This Velata blog offers Velata tips & ideas, Velata recipes and more! Join Velata
Bring your family together with Velata kitchen products. Serve up memories with our gourmet raclette grill, chocolate and cheese fondue pots, and colorful dishes.
Bring your family together with Velata kitchen products. Serve up memories with our gourmet raclette grill, chocolate and cheese fondue pots, and colorful dishes.
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