Farm Employers Labor Service (FELS) - Serving agricultural employers in personnel management since 1970. FELS is a subscriber member organization affiliated with the California Farm Bureau Federation. FELS has assisted members in complying with labor laws
Farm Employers Labor Service FELS subscriber organization California Farm Bureau Federation compliance labor laws avoiding labor relations problems since 1970
Farm Employers Labor Service FELS subscriber organization California Farm Bureau Federation compliance labor laws avoiding labor relations problems since 1970
International Work Force is a Farm Worker Placement Firm and a United States Farm Labor Contractor assisting American Employers in finding Legal, Reliable, Qualified, English-Speaking, Foreign Farm Workers for your seasonal farming needs.
AgSafe is dedicated to providing employers and employees in the agricultural industry with education and resources to prevent injuries, illnesses and fatalities.
Farm Employers Labor Service (FELS) - Serving agricultural employers in personnel management since 1970. FELS is a subscriber member organization affiliated with the California Farm Bureau Federation. FELS has assisted members in complying with labor laws
Farm Labor Surety Bonds are surety bonds required by State and Federal Governments. Each has their own specific surety bond form; the principal is required to provide the required surety bond form. The amount of the surety bond varies. Be sure to includ
theMOVE organizes reflective farm-volunteer workdays for diverse urban groups across Metro Boston, to connect folks hands-on with fresh food, and with the labor and land that sustain us
theMOVE organizes reflective farm-volunteer workdays for diverse urban groups across Metro Boston, to connect folks hands-on with fresh food, and with the labor and land that sustain us
theMOVE organizes reflective farm-volunteer workdays for diverse urban groups across Metro Boston, to connect folks hands-on with fresh food, and with the labor and land that sustain us
The Youth and Young Adult Network of the National Farm Worker Ministry!YAYA is a national network of young people actively working to change the oppressive social, political and economic conditions faced by farm workers in the United States.