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EXACTO : gamme complète d’autotests à effectuer à domicile (test de grossesse, ovulation, tests infections urinaires, etc). Et aussi une gamme variée de thermomètres (digitaux – frontaux – auriculaires & sans contact).
Exacto makes Meccano compatible parts and sets for the Meccano model engineering system. The excellence of Exacto parts made Exacto a licensed Meccano manufacturer in Argentina for over 20 years.
EXACTO, Inc. of South Bend, Indiana has been a manufacturer of precision machined parts of highest quality since 1970. We are located at 1137 South Lafayette Blvd., South Bend, IN 46601 Tel: (574)288-4716 Call us, we pick up the phone!
Exacto Systems offers solutions for collaborative data fulfillment and validation. Drive data consistency through data clustering, lookups and custom rules.