Bill Gilliam is a composer exploring the boundaries between new music, electro-acoustic music and contemporary jazz. He works and performs with many experimental artists of like mind in the areas of film, dance, theatre and sound poetry and continues to c
FareWell Poetry is a collective of Parisian musicians and an Anglo-saxon poet and filmmaker.
From indie to modern classical to drone and shoegaze, spoken word and experimental film, FareWell Poetry represents the pooled influences of its core members and
The Land of Super Happy Fun is the place in Houston for experimental electronic music, improv jazz, and underground art. Also available for fundraisers and private parties.
Organ Failure is the house band of Super Happy Fun Land, Houston's venue for underground jazz, experimental music, and outsider art. Expect cute, catchy and quirky rock songs about internal distress.
The Empty Space is an open performance forum and exhibition room. It takes place once a term in Corpus Christi College Music Room. Please contact Gregor Jotzu or Finbar Williams for more information.
Original custom music for your film, art installation, 3D mapping projection, poetry, collage... I can help you with your songs and arrange for you as well.
Orange Betsy is an art, music, and film project out of New York City. Orange Betsy is a creative expression based on vivid memory of childhood love. Orange Betsy is happy to see you again!
Original custom music for your film, art installation, 3D mapping projection, poetry, collage... I can help you with your songs and arrange for you as well.
An always entertaining spoken word, poetry & live music eco-friendly café. Bomba and Plena, readings, art viewings and film screening home of local artists.