Luxus Hawaii's Personal Paradise collections offers Hawaiian bath and body products made in Hawaii using Hawaii water and natural flower or fruit essential oils to hydrate your skin and hair.
Portland Oregon, Vocal instructor, North West Portland, voice-yoga-singing lessons, group and individual singing or yoga classes, gigs, appearances, and the cd release - doterra essential oils, wellness advocate, holistic life planning, Maui, Hawaii, si
Haloa'aina is an education organization using Hawaiian sandalwood trees and essential oils as part of their reforestation project for a more sustainable Hawaii
Goddess Rising Perfumes are high quality perfumes using 100% pure essential oils in an organic jojoba oil base, designed to Awaken the Goddess in Every Woman.
Order Hawlii's Sugar Scrub. Scented, all natural, organic scrub to exfoliate, soften, and heal your skin. Citrified Delight, Healing Heaven, Calming Bliss.