GOBA stands for "Greater Orlando Baptist Association". GOBA is 257 Southern Baptist Churches working together to share the love of Christ with the people who live in and visit Central Florida.
laclede baptist association www.lacledebaptistassociation.com southern baptist association [email protected] 340 north monroe lebanon missouri 65536 director of missions - perry wolfe secretary - mary wolfe associational news messages from the director of mis
Mt.Zion Baptist Association is a family of SBC churches bound together in fellowship and doctrine committed to fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
southeast missouri baptist association www.semoba.org southern baptist association [email protected] 608 north 6th street hayti missouri 63851 associational news messages from the director of mission biblical insights august church news coming events b
comanche cotton baptist association www.comanchecottonbaptist.com southern baptist association [email protected] 2612 e avenue lawton oklahoma 73505 religious education secretary - carolyn ellenbrook financial secretary - rae ann spurlock director of m
Wayland Baptist University Alumni Association helping to connect former Wayland Students. Alumi Association is here to help former graduates in any manner possible.
Carolina Baptist Association - An Organization of Southern Baptist Churches United for Mutual Christian Service, Encouragement, Discipleship, Missions, and Evangelism throughout Horry County, South Carolina, & The World.
calvary baptist association www.calvarybaptistassociation.com southern baptist association [email protected] p o box 601 searcy arkansas 72145 disaster relief friends for life crisis pregnancy center christian counseling ministry hispanic mini