Welcome to the unofficial Meetup Discussion Forums. A place where Meetup Organizers come together to build better communities and groups by exchanging ideas, tips, and tricks for using Meetup.com.
Imagine lively people-scaled communities dotting the San Francisco Bay Area - places co-created by their residents for raising kids, for retirement, for growing food or simply living well by sharin
Imagine lively people-scaled communities dotting the San Francisco Bay Area - places co-created by their residents for raising kids, for retirement, for growing food or simply living well by sharin
1 Million Cups (1MC) is a simple way to engage entrepreneurs in communities around the world. Each week, the 1MC program offers two local entrepreneurs an opportunity to present their start ups to a d
The Dacula Business Association is a networking group for business owners in the Dacula Georgia GA area and surrounding communities. We meet the Third Tuesday of every month at The Trophy Club of Apalachee at noon.
SyncIpswich is all about getting Ipswich and Suffolk's technology communities together to form new ideas, new startups and push local business growth.
Ipswich is an ever improving town with many local
This group was created for Boston’s urban communities with the purpose of educating its people about all things “money“. The group will get together on a monthly basis to discuss various topics surrou
Coffee Shake is a new kind of networking platform whereby we combine and promote Business-to-Business Convergence, Social Atmospheric
Connections and Collective Contribution to Our Communities. Our networking organization does not incorporate exclusivity
Are you looking to expand your business and grow your professional network? We are a network of business owners and managers serving Encinitas and the surrounding communities. We meet weekly for break
ASA is a group of individuals who practice alternative spiritualities which ascribe to common values and goals for the betterment of themselves and their local communities.
Can we do adventures & volunteer for the community at the same time? We think "YES!". This grass-roots group seeks to promote sustainable adventures and serve the communities where we adventure at the
Enjoy the radiance of women from many communities gathering together in one place to laugh, celebrate, connect, feel, and have fun every month! You will delight in provocative discussions, renowned women speakers ...
We value interactions between people. It's the essential way to learn and grow.
At the moment there are many communities in Latvia with united enthusiasts