The personal website of Serge Dumont, Vice Chairman Omnicom Group Inc., Chairman Omnicom Asia Pacific and committed philanthropist and supporter of the arts.
I moved to the Jacksonville area in 2010 from the greater Chicago area, where I was completing my PhD at Northern Illinois University, consulting with nonprofit and public organizations, and teaching at the University of Illinois Chicago. I am an Assista
Le Pocket Théâtre est un lieu de création ouvert aux amateurs et aux professionnels. Des spectacles, des stages et des Ateliers Enfants Ados et Adultes sont proposés tout au long de l année au public le plus large...
Rasor Road - 25,000 acres of pristine open desert riding in the Mojave Desert. Rasor Road is a very remote area. This is BLM land open to the public. We offer photos & pictures of Rasor Road, Rasor Road rules & regulations, FAQ's page for Rasor Road. The