Dr. Roch Johnston is a board certified atlas orthogonal specialist, board certified with the R.W. Sweat Foundation, a subluxation specialist, an expert in low back pain treatment. Dr. Roch is among the finest chiropracters in Irvine, California
Dr. Stacey Dent, D.C., practices Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical chiropractic care, along with Activator Methods, in the Hollywood, MD area, serving all of southern Maryland.
Dr. Roch Johnston is a board certified atlas orthogonal specialist, board certified with the R.W. Sweat Foundation, a subluxation specialist, an expert in low back pain treatment. Dr. Roch is among the finest chiropracters in Irvine, California
Dr. Stacey Dent, D.C., practices Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical chiropractic care, along with Activator Methods, in the Hollywood, MD area, serving all of southern Maryland.
Chiropractic website offering patient and community education, chiropractor, chiropractic, whiplash, auto injuries, nutritional health, womens health, children, family care
Mit amerikanischer Chiropractic / Neurochiropraktik können Nervenstörungen (Subluxationen) erkannt und behoben werden (Justierung). Chiropractic ist keine Alternativmedizin. Chiropractic ist eine eigenständige, die Selbstheilung aktivierende Kunst, Wissen