The Bronx Westchester South Division of Kiwanis is comprised of 12 clubs that meet and perform community service projects throughout the Bronx and Southern Westchester.
Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Division 25, located in the San Fernando Valley, promoting community and community service. Members of the CAL-NEV-HA District and Kiwanis International.
Kiwanis Club of Greater Sacramento is a community service club that participates in hands on service projects and fundraising events while networking and enjoying social activities.
Golden K Kiwanis Club of Albany, Georgia is made up of retired senior citizens with a variety of backgrouds and experiences but with one common cause which is to serve others.
Golden K Kiwanis Club of Albany, Georgia is made up of retired senior citizens with a variety of backgrouds and experiences but with one common cause which is to serve others.
This is the official website for the Sarpy County Area Kiwanis Club in Papillion, Nebraska. Sarpy Kiwanis is dedicated to serving the children of the world.
Golden K Kiwanis Club of Albany, Georgia is made up of retired senior citizens with a variety of backgrouds and experiences but with one common cause which is to serve others.