This site contains comprehensive information about rescue resources in and around the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. One of the listed rescue groups may have your next best canine friend who is just waiting for you.
Chicago Canine Rescue Foundation (CCRF) assists the animals that are slated for euthanasia because they are old, young, injured, disabled, or have simply overlooked for too long by potential adopters at other shelters.
A Non-Profit Dog Rescue, Colossal Canine Care needs your help today in fostering, adopting, or donations of any kind to help dogs find FUR-ever homes. Won't you give one of them the feeling of having a loving home now?
A Non-Profit Dog Rescue, Colossal Canine Care needs your help today in fostering, adopting, or donations of any kind to help dogs find FUR-ever homes. Won't you give one of them the feeling of having a loving home now?
Canine Carroll Rescue is a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal rescue based in Minnetonka MN. We have saved countless animals since 1985.
Canine Carroll Rescue is run by its founder, Susan Carroll. She is also the main foster mom to the many dogs and cats that h
Champlain Valley Canine Rescue: Home Champlain Valley Canine Rescue is a group of dedicated volunteers who save dogs from the horrific life of being a caged breeder in a puppy mill. We rescue, provide refuge and find permanent loving homes for dogs that d
Non-profit volunteer based canine search and rescue group dedicated to saving the lives and providing closure for those whose loved ones have been missing for whateer reason. Specializing in Wilderness and Urban Search and rescue in the event of disaster
CARE, Canine Aid Rescue & Ethology. CARE Dog Rescue is a non profit organisation based in Norfolk and is dedicated to the rescue and rehoming of dogs in Norfolk, Suffolk and northern Cambridge. We also provide training and give talks to groups on a v
Operation Safe Canine Animal Rescue (OSCAR) dog rescue and adoptions, Portland Oregon. OSCAR is an all-breed dog rescue dedicated to finding permanent, loving homes for displaced dogs. Foster homes and adoptions for these dogs are urgently needed. Foster
Operation Safe Canine Animal Rescue (OSCAR) dog rescue and adoptions, Portland Oregon. OSCAR is an all-breed dog rescue dedicated to finding permanent, loving homes for displaced dogs. Foster homes and adoptions for these dogs are urgently needed. Foster
Argus is a canine search and rescue unit based out of Bloomington, Indiana. We assist local law enforcement with missing persons searches and other incidents. Our members train to standards established by the National Association for Search and Rescue (NA