Photographe spécialisé dans le portrait social, création d'albums de quartier, village, famille,formation création de projets dans les quartiers pop avec les jeunes
Punchy Through the Covers tells the story of a North London kid born in 1928 opposite a cricket field who was at school during the Battle of Britain and the Blitz, dived under school desks when Doodlebugs threatened, played cricket at Lord's when seventee
O Social 175 é um programa de entrevistas sobre marketing digital. Entre os temas abordados estão SEO, Adwords, Mídias Sociais, Ecommerce, Email Marketing.
Photographe spécialisé dans le portrait social, création d'albums de quartier, village, famille,formation création de projets dans les quartiers pop avec les jeunes
Denis Muller & Associates. Policy & Social Research Consultants. Sensitve social and policy research in a variety of public policy and commercial fields, using qualitative and quantitative research methods.
L’Association Mots et Regards, a pour vocation de prêter sa plume, sa voix et son regard à tous ceux qui ont besoin de soutien dans l’expression écrite, orale ou visuelle. Le siège social est à Saint-Denis.
INOC is dedicated to helping the people of Iraq recover from over 16 years of economic sanctions and war, as well as educating the public about the health effects of wars and the unacceptability of bombing civilian infrastructure and economic sanctions. A
In the island kingdom of Bahrain, the 20th century has been characterised by remarkable strides in the spheres of economic and social development. But what is less well known is that these advances have been paralleled by remarkable artistic achievements.
Le cabinet d'avocat Denis Rebufat & Associés est un cabinet pluridisciplinaire composé d'avocats spécialisés intervenant tant en matière de conseil que de contentieux
Spider-Man kehrt zurück auf die große Leinwand – zum ersten Mal in 3D. Die Hauptrollen in THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN spielen Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Denis Leary, Martin Sheen und Sally Field.
I work as a freelance photographer in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. I cover news and events in political and social life here, so, If you're interested in my photos…