The Society for Crypto-Judiac Studies is a global organization to assist individuals researching the history of crypto-Jewish and Sephardic communities around the world.
The Society for Crypto-Judiac Studies is a global organization to assist individuals researching the history of crypto-Jewish and Sephardic communities around the world.
2014 Berlin Conference of the World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust & Descendants. Our 2014 conference in Berlin has taken place from Sunday August 24 - Wednesday August 27, 2014. Location: The Berlin Hilton Hotel, Mohrenstrasss
The biennial APJSA Conference is the premier event for Principals of Jewish Day Schools in the Asia Pacific region and provides an opportunity for a cohesive, innovative and engaging program.
The Muslim Jewish Conference (MJC) is a dialogue and leadership organisation for students and young professionals, bringing together important representatives and young leadership from Muslim and Jewish communities and beyond. The MJC is an innovative and
The Muslim Jewish Conference (MJC) is a dialogue and leadership organisation for students and young professionals, bringing together important representatives and young leadership from Muslim and Jewish communities and beyond. The MJC is an innovative and
The Muslim Jewish Conference (MJC) is a dialogue and leadership organisation for students and young professionals, bringing together important representatives and young leadership from Muslim and Jewish communities and beyond. The MJC is an innovative and
The biennial APJSA Conference is the premier event for Principals of Jewish Day Schools in the Asia Pacific region and provides an opportunity for a cohesive, innovative and engaging program.
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