CTMI Concerned Parents Group exists to educate communities regarding CTMI in particular and dangerous groups in general. We will always be open to the scrutiny of scripture and receive and attempt to respond to any feedback openly.
The Concerned Parents of Baldwin comprises parents from Baldwin, Freeport and Roosevelt whose children attend the Baldwin Schools. The organization’s primary focus has been the recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and to work with the district to p
The State of Math Education in Western Canada Signature page The purpose of this initiative is to form a coalition among concerned parents, citizens, teachers, employers, scientists, mathematicians, and post-secondary instructors with the purpose of rally
Raising awareness of sports biomechanics in middle and high school students. Dr. Tim Maggs' goal is to have all middle and high school athletes go through not only the standard medical exam at the start of each season, but also a biomechanical exam.
Raising awareness of sports biomechanics in middle and high school students. Dr. Tim Maggs' goal is to have all middle and high school athletes go through not only the standard medical exam at the start of each season, but also a biomechanical exam.
Latest News There are some big opportunities for Richmond families to advocate and show your passion for more secondary education options for Richmond children. Following on from the community meeting hosted by Adam Bandt at Richmond Library on Monday 19
Raising awareness of sports biomechanics in middle and high school students. Dr. Tim Maggs' goal is to have all middle and high school athletes go through not only the standard medical exam at the start of each season, but also a biomechanical exam.