Footsteps is a novel by Kirsten Johnson about two Tharakan sisters in Kenya in the 1980s who choose different paths amid the AIDS crisis and the country's cultural upheavals
Footsteps is a novel by Kirsten Johnson about two Tharakan sisters in Kenya in the 1980s who choose different paths amid the AIDS crisis and the country's cultural upheavals
Dans les pas du SIDA - un carnet de voyage panoramique à 360° sur les traces du SIDA au Mozambique avec MSF, Walking with aids - a 360° panoramic scrapbook from Mozambique, in the footsteps of AIDS with msf
walking with AIDS - a 360° panoramic scrapbook from Mozambique, in the footsteps of AIDS with msf, Dans les pas du SIDA - un carnet de voyage panoramique à 360° sur les traces du SIDA au Mozambique avec MSF