Arts of Intuition Offers Holistic and Psychic services...Spiritual Life coaching, Psychic Reading, Dowsing and Betar Sound thePyramid Energy. Allegan, Michigan
Kate Faulkner is a Seattle health and wellness coach who combines the knowledge of traditional philosophies with modern concepts like the USDA food pyramid, the glycemic index, the Zone and raw foods.
Arts of Intuition Offers Holistic and Psychic services...Spiritual Life coaching, Psychic Reading, Dowsing and Betar Sound thePyramid Energy. Allegan, Michigan
A Coach's Year-Round Guide to Maximized Performance, Extended Peaks, and Injury-Free Distance Running via the Inverted Pyramid's Volume-of-Quality Training.
A business seminar that shares the pragmatic applications of John Wooden's coaching principles as the basis for optimized and sustained organizational performance.
Robin J Emdon is a professional Life Coach and entrepreneur who specializes in coaching people in marketing. With background training from Tony Robbins and NLP.