The Freedom Fund - a new philanthropic initiative designed to bring much-needed financial resources and strategic focus to the fight against modern slavery.
The Freedom Fund - a new philanthropic initiative designed to bring much-needed financial resources and strategic focus to the fight against modern slavery.
The Freedom Fund - a new philanthropic initiative designed to bring much-needed financial resources and strategic focus to the fight against modern slavery.
Free Again: A Moravian Family Finds Freedom, Faith and Adventure - Fighting Slavery on Three Continents During America's Civil War Years by Donald D. Naiser
Freedom Burning. Combining groundbreaking research, powerful argument, and arresting writing, Freedom Burning offers the first complete history of anti-slavery politics and culture in Queen Victoria's Britain and her Empire.
"Not since slavery has an entire American industry derived its profits exclusively from depriving human beings of their freedom" - Mother Jones (by Princess Masilungan)