Watchman Nee was guided by the Lord into the realization and recovery of the biblical truths concerning the universal church and the local church, and he endeavored to bring other believers into the same vision and practice.
Witness Lee teaches concerning the practical building up of the local church by the divine life, through the function of every member and through God's ordained way.
Witness Lee teaches concerning the six characteristics of a scriptural local church. A scriptural local church must have no name, adhere to no special teaching or fellowship, not be isolated, and have a single administration in a city.
Witness Lee defines a local church and gives two factors for the historic and present division in the church: the Lords servants keeping the results of their work for themselves and specialties among the believers.
Witness Lee teaches concerning the local church from the book of Revelation.Revelation not only defines a local church but also describes it as a place of eating and drinking Christ as our spiritual feast.
Both Witness Lee and Watchman Nee teaches concerning the ground of the local church. Keeping the scriptural ground of local church preserves the practical oneness of the Body of Christ.
Witness Lee teaches concerning the local church. The urgent need for the believers today is to see not only the universal aspect of the church but also its local aspect.
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Dr. Michael Philliber is the author of Gnostic Trends in the Local Church, a look at how Gnosticism is affecting Christ's church in the modern age at the local level.