Photography West brings you the finest photography of the 20th century. Our main gallery features Christopher Burkett, Ansel Adams, as well as other well known photographers of national and international stature.
The Baker Street Journal is the official publication of the Baker Street Irregulars and the premier publication of scholarship about Sherlock Holmes. Printed quarterly. "Never before has so much been written by so many for so few." Want to
Street Jewellery: a site dedicated to the study and celebration of the enamelled-iron advertising signs in common use from the 1880's to the mid Twentieth Century.
We publish self-help, personal growth and inspirational books, audio and video recordings, targeted to men and
women who are striving to improve the quality of their lives.
Street Jewellery: a site dedicated to the study and celebration of the enamelled-iron advertising signs in common use from the 1880's to the mid Twentieth Century.