Gifted Men and Women: Sharing from their Hearts, Speaking from the Word, Pointing People To Jesus Christ...Christian, Speakers, Northwest, Seattle, Bellingham, Skagit County
Jay Miller's page of the arts, athletics and academics. Peace education, yoga, public speaking, pantomime and job interviewing courses. Performances: A Day at the Circus, Stories from Around the World and Home, Miles West - environmental detective, A Jewi
Dr. Susan Miller is a vocal communication, public speaking coach working with clients ranging from business executives to media personnel helping them speak with power and confidence.
Welcome to Renee Ruth Miller's website that contains all the important information about her speaking and a helpful blog to encourage you in your walk with God.
Adonya is available for school visits, book signings and speaking engagements. To schedule a book signing, please contact her marketing representative, Jim Miller, at Tate Publishing & Enterprises by calling (405) 376-4900.
MarketingMel is a public relations, marketing, and social media firm based in Johnson City, TN and provides innovative marketing, public relations and social
Our goal is to advance the study, practice and teaching of negotiating which we believe is a critical element of both leadership and personal success. We are dedicated to serving our clients as advisors, consultants, negotiators, mediators, arbitrators an a stellar source for business & social networking help, for personal goal setting, and lifestyle development strategies. When utilized correctly this knowledge applies to every facet of life, business, pleasure, and everything else!