The Grand Rapids Area Doula Network is a community of independent birth professionals who are trained to provide education and support during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. We strive to empower expectant mothers and their partners with the knowledge th
Certified and professional doulas, strengthening the Grand Rapids area one family at a time. Research shows a doula can increase satisfaction with the birth process and postpartum period.
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Grand Rapids, MI Doula co-op and childbirth network providing natural childbirth support and resources for hospital birth, homebirth, VBACs. Professionals include doulas, midwives, childbirth...
Kelly O'Brien Pahman has maintained a love for natural birth since attending her first birth in 1996 and is continually inspired by the families she works with.
Kelly O'Brien Pahman has a passion for aromatherapy, flower remedies, herbs, nutrition and
Full Spectrum Investigations: Grand Rapids Investigators providing private detectives to Grand Rapids, West Michigan and the state of Michigan. Full Spectrum provides background checks, infidelity or cheating spouse, missing persons, executive protection
We are Family Doctors specializing in You - Men, Women and Children of all ages, in sickness and in health, from birth through the golden years, including family centered maternity care from preconception to the birth of your newborn. For detailed informa